Lentil burger with Hemp

Vegan burgers made from lentils, sweet potato and hemp seeds

A great recipe for a lentil burger with hemp seeds by Amber Albarda in collaboration with TerraSana. Amber has come up with a great alternative to a meat burger with this vegan burger made from sweet potato and red lentils, among other ingredients. Often, vegetarian burgers from the supermarket are highly processed and contain unfermented soy. So prefer to make your veggie burgers yourself, then you know what's in them.

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Ingredients lentil burger with hemp seeds

For this recipe, Amber makes a combination of vegan products as a binder. Egg is usually used for this, but oatmeal with hemp seeds is a perfect alternative. With meat substitutes, it can be good to pay attention to whether you are getting enough protein. This lentil burger with hemp seeds is an excellent meat substitute, as both lentils and hemp seeds contain a whopping 30% of protein. Furthermore, this delicious burger contains miso for the savouriness, coriander, cumin and garlic for a deep Eastern flavour and the sweet potato, together with the hemp seeds, provides a soft texture. All in all, a great vegan burger that you have to taste!

Tips and recipe

Are you more into salads than burgers? Then Amber's tip is to roll balls of dough. This will give your salad some more 'body' and a delicious extra flavour. Use a little less oatmeal or hemp seed, so the balls have a nice soft texture. Tip from us? Add some pure dried hemp leaves for even more flavour, making it a real lentil burger with hemp! The recipe is here find.
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