What is Ashwagandha?

Ashwagandha is one of the important herbs in Ayurveda. It is a light brown powder with a nutty taste. The plant grows mainly in India, Central and South Asia and parts of Africa. It is also called the Indian Ginseng or Winter Cherry. The Ashwagandha plant can grow up to 2 meters high. It is a tall plant with purple or green flowers and bright red fruits. The leaves and root are mainly used to make Ashwaganda powder. These are ground up and used as a supplement.

In traditional Ayurveda, the Ashwagandha root has been used for centuries, and slowly the Western world is also beginning to appreciate this powerful powder. And that is not without reason, because the Ayurvedic herb offers many benefits.

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The effect and benefits of Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is considered a natural adaptogen. An adaptogen is a substance that adapts to the needs of the body. In this way, Ashwagandha has many benefits. It can have a positive influence on mental well-being and support your energy management.

Other Potential Positive Effects of the Powerful Herb

  • Ashwagandha root is said to be good for muscle building
  • During physical stress, it can be relaxing and protective
  • Contributes to a good mental balance
  • Supports stamina and energy level*

* Several studies are still ongoing about the exact effect of Ashwagandha.

What makes this carrot so special?

This light brown herb contains a number of special biologically active substances that explain its powerful effect; Alkaloids, saponins and the withanolide called withaferin A, which is found specifically in Ashwagandha root. Withanolides are substances that belong to flavonoids. Flavonoids are natural components of plants. They have an antioxidant effect.

ashwagandha root

Ashwagandha root

In addition, there are other nutrients that Ashwagandha contains, namely several important fibers, vitamin B6, the amino acids L-lysine and L-arganine and a total of no less than 14 minerals and trace elements including copper, iron, zinc, sodium, cobalt, manganese, magnesium and chromium.

How can I best use Ashwagandha?

You can use this herbal supplement for as long as you want. For optimal results and to be able to properly assess the effects on your body, it is recommended to use it daily for several months in a row. The Ashwagandha supplement is suitable for both adults and children. It is not recommended to use during pregnancy and lactation.

How Much Ashwagandha To Take For A Good Dosage?

For adults, the usual dosage of Ashwagandha root is 300 to 600 mg per day.

With a temporary intake, a dose of 1200 mg per day is also fine and safe. As long as you do not take this herb in large doses or add it to your diet, it is a completely safe superfood. You can start to feel the effect of Ashwagandha after 2 to 3 days. It is best to take it later in the day or before going to sleep with a glass of water because of the soothing effect.

Tips when buying Ashwagandha capsules or powder

There are different forms and dosages for Ashwagandha supplements. You can buy Ashwaghandha in the form of powder or capsules (tablets). At Hempishop there are various Ashwaganda products for sale.

  • Ashwagandha powder is the basic product consisting of the ground root.
  • Ashwagandha capsules KSM-66 The advantage of taking capsules is that you can take a precise amount and dose easily. KSM-66 means that only the root is used for the production of Ashwagandha and that there is a consistent very high dose of withanolides.
  • Fermented Ashwagandha capsules are made from fermented Ashwagandha root. With the advantage that the fermentation activates and improves the powerful adaptogenic properties of Ashwagandha while retaining the original energetic intention.

When you buy Ashwagandha capsules, it is useful to pay attention to a number of things. Opt for an ashwagandha extract that consists solely of the roots of the Withania somnifera plant (withanolides). Not all withanolides are healthy for the body. For example, withaferin A can be harmful in high levels. This is a substance that is mainly found in the leaves of the plant. Therefore, the best Ashwagandha is extracted from the roots of the plant. If only the root has been used during the production process, a supplement may bear the name KSM-66.

Finally, pay attention to the origin of the Ashwagandha: the quality of Ashwagandha grown without the use of pesticides is often better. Therefore choose organic Ashwagandha.

High quality Ashwaganda at Hempishop

You can buy organic Ashwagandha capsules safely and quickly in our webshop. Do you still have questions about Ashwagandha supplements or how they work after reading this article? Then take contact with us. We are happy to help you make the best choice.


Stick to the recommended dosage.

A varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important. A nutritional supplement is no substitute for a varied diet.

Consult a doctor, pharmacist or therapist before using supplements in case of pregnancy, lactation, medication and illness.

In case of problems with the liver or thyroid gland, it is wise to discuss the use and dosage with a doctor or therapist. The herb can affect the thyroid hormone, sporadic cases of this are known.

Ashwagandha can interact negatively with a number of medications. If in doubt, contact your doctor.

When not to use ashwagandha?

  • With stomach discomfort
  • During the pregnancy
  • While breastfeeding
  • When to be careful with the use of ashwagandha?

  • blood pressure lowering drugs
  • use of thyroid medication and thyroid problems
  • diabetes and medication that lowers blood sugar
  • sedatives
  • antidepressant